At the asking price I see online for NIB 's, they are no longer a "value".
My is a well made, well finished tack driver with a finish superior to the My is a decently finished training pistol for new shooters.

While two pistols may appear identical to the casual observer, they are not the "same". I own both the and The difference in workmanship between the two exceeds the use of plastic parts. The also has a lug on the barrel and corresponding cut in the slide for tighter lock up. On thein addition to plastic sights it has plastic guide rod and magazine catch. They have even less milling on the slide and plastic sights. But there were very good goods and an excellent value. The sights were not Novak and the overall finish was not quite as nice. The was the "value" version of the and shared the same basically lines. Grips, mags and springs are the same between them all. You'll find that the is closer to the early with a straight blade rear sight and the more rounded slide. Thank God it expired! Both guns are a lower cost "value version" of the The Following 2 Users Like Post: allmonslenmattsen. The difference is the came with a 10 round magazine as per the Clinton assault weapons ban which limited the 15 round magazines to law enforcement use only. Click Here To Find Out! Welcome to the forum.